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15 Tips for Improving Golf Club Distance

golfer tee shot

While the team here at Perfect Practice believes great putting helps lower your scores, we know in order to shoot low you need to get on the green in 1-3 shots for those birdie and par attempts. Driver or Iron play is pivotal to a good round and one of the most sought-after skills in golf is the ability to drive the ball long distances while maintaining accuracy. This not only helps you get closer to the green, but gives you that confidence to nail your putts.  And with the practice you can put in with the Perfect Putting Mat, you can expect to hit those putts especially ten feet and in.  So, if you're looking to add some serious yards to your drives, these tips and techniques are here to help you achieve just that.

Hitting the Sweet Spot: The Foundation of Distance

When it comes to increasing your golf club distance, hitting the sweet spot on your clubface is paramount. The sweet spot is that magical point on the clubface that maximizes power and minimizes mishits. Depending on your club, that magical point will be clearly outlined on the clubface. Your club's design and technology are optimized for this sweet spot, so practice and proper technique are key.

golf instruction on stance and posture

Tip 1: Mastering Your Stance and Posture

A solid foundation begins with your stance. Distribute your weight evenly, and stand shoulder-width apart. Flex your knees slightly and maintain a straight back. This posture ensures you have a balanced and strong setup for your swing.

Tip 2: The Power of Hip Rotation

Engaging your hips in the swing is like adding a coiled spring to your drive. As you wind up, let your hips turn away from the target. Then, on the downswing, rapidly rotate your hips forward, transferring the stored energy into the clubhead for an explosive impact.

golfer hip rotation on downswing 

Perfecting Your Swing: Unleashing the Force

Your swing is the engine behind your drive. Perfecting it can lead to substantial gains in driving distance.

Tip 3: Finding Your Tempo

It's not all about brute force. You don’t need to “kill the ball”. A smooth and consistent swing tempo can deliver better results than a hurried one. Focus on the rhythm of your swing; this harmonious motion can translate into a more powerful strike.

Tip 4: The Lag and Snap Technique

Imagine your swing as a cracking whip. The lag and snap technique involves creating a lag between your club and your hands on the downswing. This lag stores energy, and when released at the right moment, results in a swift and forceful hit. All too often, golfers will come over the top on their downswing. Think about keeping your swing and hands shallow in your downswing.  Of course, with much practice you will start to see that golf ball fly with less effort!

golf swing lesson with female golfer

Equipment Matters: Choosing and Using Your Gear Wisely

Having the right equipment can significantly contribute to your driving distance.

Tip 5: Optimal Club Selection

Not all clubs are created equal. Drivers with larger clubheads and lower lofts are designed for maximum distance. Experiment with different clubs to find the one that suits your swing style.

golf club irons

Tip 6: Shaft Flex and Length

The flexibility and length of your club's shaft can impact your swing's power and accuracy. A shaft with the right flex and length can generate more clubhead speed, translating to greater distance. The flex of a golf club is mostly self-explanatory.  It is the flexibility of the club you’re using.  Most golfers will use a driver with regular flex. Some golfers, for instance those who are taller, may find a stiff flex is a better option for them.

Conditioning the Body: Strength and Flexibility

A strong and flexible body can do wonders for your golf drive. Improving your body's strength and flexibility can help you create the widest possible arc when swinging your golf club. 

Tip 7: Incorporate Core Exercises

Your core is the powerhouse of your swing. Engage in exercises that strengthen your core muscles, such as planks, rotational exercises, and yoga poses like the warrior stance.

golfer stretching on golf cart

Tip 8: Flexibility Is Key

A flexible body can achieve a wider swing arc, thus generating more power. Regular stretching and yoga can enhance your flexibility and contribute to longer drives.

Mental Game: The Psychology of a Powerful Drive

Golf is not just a physical game; it's a mental one too. The right mindset can give you that extra edge.

Tip 9: Visualize Your Success

Before every drive, visualize the ball soaring down the fairway. This positive imagery can boost your confidence and set the stage for a powerful shot. An easy tip for any golf shot (especially your tee shot) is to take a step or two back and stand behind your golf ball. Find an object you want to hit towards, then line up and swing away!

Tip 10: Stay Relaxed

Tension in your muscles can hinder your swing's fluidity. Stay relaxed and composed, allowing your body to move freely through the swing. Sometimes, it’s ok to lay off or reduce your caffeine intake. You may find you’re more relaxed out on the course.  It may even lead to some of your best scores!

Putting It All Together: Practice and Consistency

As with any skill, practice makes perfect. That’s certainly what the team here at Perfect Practice believes. You’re not going to rise to the occasion, but rather you will fall to your level of preparation.

golfers practicing on driving range 

Tip 11: Dedicated Practice Sessions

Devote specific practice sessions to improving your drive. Focus on your technique, incorporate the tips mentioned here, and track your progress.

Tip 12: Analyze Your Shots

Use technology like launch monitors to analyze your shots. Data-driven insights can highlight areas for improvement and help you fine-tune your technique. We also recommend finding a local pro and taking some golf lessons.  These can do wonders for your swing.

Course Management: Strategizing for Maximum Yardage

Your strategy on the course can impact your driving distance.

golf tee shot with driver golf club

Tip 13: Tee Placement

Experiment with tee placement. A higher tee can lead to a more upward strike on the ball, enhancing your launch angle and distance.

Tip 14: Favorable Wind Conditions

Be mindful of wind direction and intensity. Adjust your aim and technique to make the most of tailwinds and avoid headwinds. Some tips here are to pick up some grass and throw it up in the air or take a peek at the flag stick to determine the wind direction.

The Journey to Success: Patience and Perseverance

Improving your golf driving distance is a journey that requires dedication.

Tip 15: Celebrate Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest improvements in your drives. Every yard gained is a step closer to your distance goals. Happy Golfing!


Q1: Can these tips also help with accuracy, or are they solely focused on distance?

Absolutely, many of these tips contribute to both distance and accuracy. A balanced approach to technique and equipment often leads to improved overall performance.

Q2: How long does it usually take to see noticeable improvements in driving distance?

The timeline varies from person to person. With consistent practice and focused effort, you might start noticing improvements within a few weeks.

Q3: Should I prioritize strength training over flexibility exercises?

Both are important. A balanced combination of strength and flexibility training can yield optimal results. They complement each other in enhancing your swing and overall game.

Q4: Can a proper warm-up routine impact my driving distance?

Absolutely. A thorough warm-up routine loosens your muscles and prepares your body for the powerful motions involved in driving. It can have a positive impact on both distance and injury prevention. Hit the driving range or the practice greens before your round.  You'll get a feel for your swing and feel more comfortable out on the course too!

Q5: Are there any drills you recommend for practicing the lag and snap technique?

Yes, a simple drill involves practicing your downswing in slow motion, focusing on maintaining the lag between your hands and the clubhead until just before impact. Gradually increase the speed as you get comfortable.